Glee // don't stop believin'

Posts written by Candy

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    Comunque, guardando attentamente il promo, pare proprio che l'ultima canzone sia I lived e non un'eventuale DSB.
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    You're not leaving the Klaine fandom after glee ends, right????

    bro i’ll be like in a nursing home and there will be the most heartbreaking sobbing coming from one of those rooms and people will be like shit this poor old woman what happened did someone die???? did she break her hip??? oh no nothing like that john, she watches the klaine proposal with her daily vitamin boost smoothie every night at 8, don’t worry, you get used to it. [screams of “THEY WERE SOULMATES!!!!” in the background]
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    Potete ascoltarla QUI
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    Potete ascoltarla QUI
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    Edited by Candy ~ - 17/3/2015, 20:21
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    Quell'episodio è praticamente perfetto! L'ho visto miliardi di volte.
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    Potete ascoltarla QUI
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    Non la conosco troppo bene per notare la somiglianza xD
8850 replies since 14/7/2007